Several hundred Croats from New York and the surrounding area gathered on Sunday, February 24, 2019 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the work of Croatian Radio New York 'the Voice of Free Croatia'. That was the idea of a volunteer group. They did not know too much about radio, they just wanted to run a program for Croats living in New York and the surrounding area. Their decision was a brave media and political move.
From the beginning, relying on volunteer work, devotion and enthusiasm for many of its editors, journalists and associates, Radio has made a major contribution to promoting Croatian language, culture, tradition and identity in the United States. Delivering an eternal dream of Croatia's freedom and independence. At the beginning, the program was broadcast from leased studios and homes of prominent club members. After three years of broadcasting, the community gathered enough money to buy their building. Since then, Astoria has been the permanent address of Croatian radio in New York.
The Croatian Parliamentary Representative for the Diaspora Zeljko Glasnovic, Croatian Ambassador to the United States Pjer Simunovic, the President of the Croatian Government Council for Croatians outside Croatia Ivan Grbesic, and the Curator of Chicago Fr. Jozo Grbes attended the celebration.