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Croatian president Kolinda Grabar - Kitarovic during a visit to New York awards Croatian Radio Club of New York with the muniment for the long - lasting, willing and volatile work of all present and former members of the Club who all these years are lovingly working to connect Croatians outside the country nurturing Croatian language and culture .

Croatian president, Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic, presented the Muniment of the Republic of Croatia to the Croatian Parish of blessed Cardinal Stepinac, Croatia's Catholic Mission of Blessed John Merz in Astoria and the Croatian Radio Club of New York.

During the meeting with the Croatian community, the president thanked all those who put their year, patience and energy into the preservation of the Croatian community and who, in their second homeland, represent the best of Croatia, always with heart and soul.

"I am very proud to be presenting the muniment of the Republic of Croatia tonight, which will contribute to the preservation and strengthening of the link between domestic and immigrant Croatia, precisely to the Croatian Parish of St. Cyril and Methodius and the Croatian Catholic Mission of Blessed John Merz as well as the Croatian Radio Club of New York, on the occasion of his 50th anniversary, "said president Grabar-Kitarovic.

Thanks to patriotic enthusiasm, devoted and valuable work of experts and volunteers, Parishes, Mission and Radio have been the center of meeting in the native language for decades, linking the Croatian people through history, culture and national identity, nurturing Croatian language and culture. The President emphasized that the Parish of Manhattan and the Mission in Astoria deserved the social and spiritual preservation of the Croatian community in New York.

President also talks about the folk group of Cardinal Stepinac and the Croatian Rose who always wakes up our special feelings when we hear dear Croatian words and songs when we see our costumes and dance steps miles away.

She also congratulated all the generosity of parishioners, who have been able to preserve and transfer culture to their children and young people all these decades, far from the Homeland, and especially thanked the children and young people who, apart from the variety of games and video portals, gave their parents and grandparents to taught them Croatian songs and dances.

Certainly, the muniment of the Republic of Croatia to parishes and Croatian Radio Club is an additional motive to continue to persevere in this sacrifice, spiritual and above all loving work by preserving and conveying our roots to future generations.